Wednesday 24 January 2007

Living in the moment...Beauty, Meditation, Journey, Sun, Walk

This morning I went for a walk around the village where I live. The day was crisp and the sun shone through a myriad of floury white clouds.

However, I did not see any of the beauty because my mind was engaged in a disagreement that I had the night before.

The further on I got the more I found myself in the previous night’s conversation.

For whatever reason I began to think about my meditation technique and how good I felt when doing my program.

I suddenly felt the desire to try to bring that feeling into my walk. After all, why should I let those thoughts ruin the beauty that surrounded me?

I then shifted my thinking and began to feel the energy around me.

I began to notice everything within eye distance, the trees on the horizon, the sounds of birds cawing in the distance, and the sun in the sky. The sky was quite blue and the clouds began to dance in a slight breeze that seemed to blow all my thoughts away.

As I walked, I began to focus on my breathing and the cycle of breath became more exhilarating the further I got.

Then my focus shifted to the way I walked and the feel of each step on the road.

My thoughts then started to question about being in the moment.

If I focused just on the movement then I was missing the journey, so for me I had a realisation that the moment can encompass many types of experiences.

To totally enjoy my walk I had to allow the experience of the walk to just flow and be able to enjoy the whole.

I noticed many things on that walk today and I came back quite uplifted.

On arriving back at my flat, I found it hard to transfer that feeling to my surroundings. Mainly because things surround me that I do not really want and I have to encounter people with who I really have no connection.

My summary of this experience is that perhaps there are people that experience a life just trying to survive a materialistic society. Sometimes difficult situations arise and living takes over.
Perhaps they cannot see any other choice and then cannot find the time to do anything else.

Therefore, they fail to see the beauty that surrounds them.

If possible, I will certainly take more time to go out alone and enjoy the beauty of nature and try to bring that experience into my everyday life.

FINDING YOUR HIGHER SELF AGAIN! ....Meditation, Beauty, Sun, Walk, Journey, Day?

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