Wednesday 31 January 2007

Finding your higher self again...Energy, Fear, Spirit,Trust?

This is something I wrote in 2000 that I would like to share with whoever happens to pass through and want to read it.

I have books of stuff I have been inspired to write, all scattered around in different places. A bit like my life has been really.
Writing these blogs is proving to be an interesting exercise!

All thought is energy and all energy starts out as pure.
What happens to this pure thought?

Most of us have lost communication with our spirit or higher self. If we could all act on pure thought immediately then our lives would be filled with abundance and joy. After all, spirit only wants the best for us, because spirit is a part of us.

Learn to connect once again through the silence and through meditation. Also through innocence, through acceptance and through not judging.
Discover the power of unconditional love.

Listen to your own truth, trust in your higher self, know that the gift of spirit is with you, and will do you no harm.

Have no fear, because fear does not exist. Fear is only a manifestation of the darkness.

Know that if you learn once again to listen you will only find truth filled with everything good.

Fear and guilt, two manifestations of a negative polarity. Two feelings that keep us locked into a spiral of self-doubt and stagnation.

“Satan: his body is the past, his breath the future. Energised by your past-orientated guilt and your future-orientated fear, he follows you round like some vast cosmic shadow. He casts his nets of fear on the waters of your awareness, and then draws them in with ropes of reason into a guilt ridden past.”
(I have had that written down for years but cannot remember who wrote it! I wanted to share it, because it is very thought provoking!)

Realise that life exists in the present and we should release all that we think we know, because all we know is of the past.

DEMONS AND ANGELS ....Trust, Spirit, Fear, Energy, Comunication, Thoughts?

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Living in the moment...Beauty, Meditation, Journey, Sun, Walk

This morning I went for a walk around the village where I live. The day was crisp and the sun shone through a myriad of floury white clouds.

However, I did not see any of the beauty because my mind was engaged in a disagreement that I had the night before.

The further on I got the more I found myself in the previous night’s conversation.

For whatever reason I began to think about my meditation technique and how good I felt when doing my program.

I suddenly felt the desire to try to bring that feeling into my walk. After all, why should I let those thoughts ruin the beauty that surrounded me?

I then shifted my thinking and began to feel the energy around me.

I began to notice everything within eye distance, the trees on the horizon, the sounds of birds cawing in the distance, and the sun in the sky. The sky was quite blue and the clouds began to dance in a slight breeze that seemed to blow all my thoughts away.

As I walked, I began to focus on my breathing and the cycle of breath became more exhilarating the further I got.

Then my focus shifted to the way I walked and the feel of each step on the road.

My thoughts then started to question about being in the moment.

If I focused just on the movement then I was missing the journey, so for me I had a realisation that the moment can encompass many types of experiences.

To totally enjoy my walk I had to allow the experience of the walk to just flow and be able to enjoy the whole.

I noticed many things on that walk today and I came back quite uplifted.

On arriving back at my flat, I found it hard to transfer that feeling to my surroundings. Mainly because things surround me that I do not really want and I have to encounter people with who I really have no connection.

My summary of this experience is that perhaps there are people that experience a life just trying to survive a materialistic society. Sometimes difficult situations arise and living takes over.
Perhaps they cannot see any other choice and then cannot find the time to do anything else.

Therefore, they fail to see the beauty that surrounds them.

If possible, I will certainly take more time to go out alone and enjoy the beauty of nature and try to bring that experience into my everyday life.

FINDING YOUR HIGHER SELF AGAIN! ....Meditation, Beauty, Sun, Walk, Journey, Day?

Tuesday 23 January 2007

What is Time..Meditation,Stress,Pressure,Sleep?

I have been meaning to write another blog but the electricity went off for over 36 hours and time has flown by so quickly it is now Tuesday. The subject is the concept of time and my perceived perspective on it.

What is Time?

For most people, I guess it is just a measurement to determine what they do in a set day. Why does time go by so quickly or does it?

Is it because people’s lives are full of deadlines or goals that they must achieve within a certain period.

They must get up, go to work and at the end of a working week, they bring home a wage so that they can pay their bills, mortgages, school fees, and entertainment costs.

I have a theory that time has indeed speeded up and what we perceive as 24 hours is no longer 24 hours. It is more like 12 hours. I also believe that it is to make people evaluate what they do in a day and how important it is to that person.

For me I often ask myself, do I really need to do a certain thing, or do I really want to spend my time with a particular person. Is it important in the great scheme of things?

Having meditated for the last 30 years I often have the experience of being surprised at how long my meditations can last. Often I find it difficult to believe that an hour has gone by so quickly, when I feel I have only been in meditation for a short space of time.
It is as if time has stood still within the meditation.

I have only had a couple of experiences when I have felt time has stood still and I have looked at the clock and wondered how I have managed to achieve so much in the time period.
The clock has often only ticked away a few minutes.

Meditation is a wonderful thing and if people could find the time to be still and go within then they would find a place that is free of time and the pressures of everyday life.

It has been proven that 20 minutes meditation is like 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

If time is so, precious and you do not feel that you have enough of it, ask yourself whether you are really spending quality time doing what you really need to do.

On the other hand, could you spend that valuable time doing something else or being with someone that you truly love?

LIVE THE MOMENT?........Meditation, Goals, Pressure, Stress, Time, Sleep?

Friday 19 January 2007

Human Relationships always amaze me...Big Brother,

Ok, i watched 'Big Brother' tonight for the 2nd time.
I saw the first one because I was staying at a friends and she enjoys watching the human dynamics of how people react together. I would normally choose not to watch it.

I regard my time as precious and I can't think of anything worse than being drawn into the lives of strangers to wait and see, if and how they are going to react together.

Obviously if everybody was polite and got on well, there would not be any show.
So the producers of the show know and plan before hand, almost ascertaining what incidents or battles could happen between people.

Tonight I decided to tune in because of the snippets of controversy I had heard about the women in the group.

I was shocked but maybe not suprised at the bullying that went on.

After all it seems to be human nature, that like attracts like and people feel secure in groups.

So perhaps it was a predetermined outcome and I am sure certain people will feel , that they have let themselves down.

Good always wins over evil, even though there will never be darkness without the light.

Who knows, maybe India will win out in the end and in a funny sort of twist they will be the ones ruling us in the 21st century on reality T.V.

I just might tune in and see.....Big Brother, Relationships?

Thursday 18 January 2007

Are you a searcher too...Journey,Knowledge,Meditation,Thoughts?

Some people could say that I have always been a searcher, always asking the question why.

When I was a little girl, I can remember my mum saying, “Stop always asking why”.

I never listened because I always wanted to find my own answers, and I still have the same philosophy about most things.

I learnt to meditate in 1976. It was one of the best things I did. I hitchhiked 12 miles from Wrexham to Chester and I paid £17.00 to learn a technique called transcendental meditation.
Meditation is definitely a journey and not just something you do, because the experiences change as you practise.
All I believe, is that I would definitely be ‘off my head’ if I had not had the technique of meditation to help me get through the stresses of life….more about that later.

I went to Art School in Manchester. I had always wanted to do medicine but my mum changed my school when I was 14 because I came home and told her that someone had asked me to go shoplifting at lunchtime. I declined the invitation and that experience sealed my fate. I moved to a school where the facilities in the sciences were rubbish so I took up languages and the Arts.

I had quite a good career in commercial Art but decided that there was more to life than money.

My real journey into everything unusual began after my brother "passed over" in 1978 age 22, not long after my meditation training had begun.

Since then I have experienced all kinds of stuff, from the sublime to the bizarre. I think of myself as a continual student still always questioning and asking why

My blogs will be full of stuff from the question of death to the experiences of past lives and rebirth.
It will contain stories about my experiences in Greece when I ran off with a millionaire and my connections with him that I experienced through a regression session.
I trained as a regression therapist in 1992 for 3 years, but have never felt experienced enough to start practising.

Concerning my opinions on anything esoteric, there are many people out there that tell you that they are experts in their field, whether it is Reiki, Crystals, Meditation( to quote just a few things.)
What I believe, is there are many people who also want to take your money.
They also tell you that they are experts but they have only been qualified a short time.
As I mentioned earlier, to learn a technique without giving the time to assimilate and learn from your own experiences is zero.
Experience and understanding only come with the journey and that can last a lifetime.

My journey is ongoing and everyday I try to understand something new about either a situation or myself.
Therefore, who knows where this path will lead me.

All I know now is, if I can sow a few seeds with my writing and my thoughts, then that is a good thing, but do not believe anything I write about until you believe it inwardly for yourselves.

WHAT IS TIME? .....Journey, Knowledge, Meditation, Thoughts?

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Looking for answers...Time,Money,Power,Fear?

As in the flash of an eye, time speeds up as we speed forward to meet it. As time is static we rush around in life trying to fit into the illusion everything that we think we want.

Everything we have created in a self-fulfilling prophesy. Meetings, encounters and hopes are tied up together to create another layer of securities.

We think we know what we desire and what we want. All this is tied up with fear, fear that has been created by us and fuelled by the consumer industry.
Magazines, advertising, T.V. and radio all manipulate our senses, making us believe that we need to be on the lookout for everything that will make our existence on this earth easier.

The intellect has allowed us to imagine, to believe that we must strive for everything material, to keep ourselves happy and contented. Thrills beckon us at every corner.

We are not happy, not contented to spend time in our own company through fear of discovering our true nature. We have been conned by greed, ownership, power and the intellect into believing that this will bring us happiness and true contentment.
It only brings us unhappiness, discontentment, sorrow, pain and a feeling of not belonging anywhere in the society that we have allowed to be created around us.

This society needs people to follow its principles of attachment, reliance on others, judgements, wants and power.

We tie ourselves up with owing money that we will never repay because there is always more to be owned, more things we want to do and see and places we want to visit.

So the consciousness of the world is always striving for what they can do next and their selves are tied up like fishes caught in a net, not being able to free themselves.
We are the pretty fish, caught for the aquarium, darting about, going around in circles, wondering what is around the next corner.
Outside the large corporations look in, not realising that in their power to control, they too are controlled. They are also caught up with greed, wealth, power, and domination.
They too are slaves of the intellect, only they think they are masters.

But someone is looking down on them too and manipulating them and having their own pleasures and experience.

ARE YOU A SEARCHER TOO? ......Time, Money, Power,Fear.....?