Tuesday 23 January 2007

What is Time..Meditation,Stress,Pressure,Sleep?

I have been meaning to write another blog but the electricity went off for over 36 hours and time has flown by so quickly it is now Tuesday. The subject is the concept of time and my perceived perspective on it.

What is Time?

For most people, I guess it is just a measurement to determine what they do in a set day. Why does time go by so quickly or does it?

Is it because people’s lives are full of deadlines or goals that they must achieve within a certain period.

They must get up, go to work and at the end of a working week, they bring home a wage so that they can pay their bills, mortgages, school fees, and entertainment costs.

I have a theory that time has indeed speeded up and what we perceive as 24 hours is no longer 24 hours. It is more like 12 hours. I also believe that it is to make people evaluate what they do in a day and how important it is to that person.

For me I often ask myself, do I really need to do a certain thing, or do I really want to spend my time with a particular person. Is it important in the great scheme of things?

Having meditated for the last 30 years I often have the experience of being surprised at how long my meditations can last. Often I find it difficult to believe that an hour has gone by so quickly, when I feel I have only been in meditation for a short space of time.
It is as if time has stood still within the meditation.

I have only had a couple of experiences when I have felt time has stood still and I have looked at the clock and wondered how I have managed to achieve so much in the time period.
The clock has often only ticked away a few minutes.

Meditation is a wonderful thing and if people could find the time to be still and go within then they would find a place that is free of time and the pressures of everyday life.

It has been proven that 20 minutes meditation is like 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

If time is so, precious and you do not feel that you have enough of it, ask yourself whether you are really spending quality time doing what you really need to do.

On the other hand, could you spend that valuable time doing something else or being with someone that you truly love?

LIVE THE MOMENT?........Meditation, Goals, Pressure, Stress, Time, Sleep?

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