Thursday 3 May 2007

Feeling sorry for myself!

Life has been a challenge since I lost my mum at Christmas.
Everything has gone wrong and after the tooth incident and the spots, I have not felt like doing anything especially getting out my computer and blogging.

Not wanting to dwell on all the negative stuff, the main positive thing that I have started to do is to go running two or three times a week with a friend. It is fabulous and we have both felt the benefits. I highly recommend it to anyone that is feeling down, as a powerful therapy!
Focusing on oneself and realising that the health of your mind, body and soul lies with yourself is an enlightening thought.
Self-preservation lies on each and everyone’s own doorstep.

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own destiny.

I have tried to take responsibility for my own actions and destiny for a while, not blaming outside influences for the reasons I am where I am today.
Becoming overwhelmed with the enormity of everything that has gone on in my life since before Christmas, I decided it was ok to feel sorry for myself.

Within my own self pity I felt alone and angry at everything.

Consequently the reasons for the festering pustule abscess and the outbreak of spots.
I even had a rotten oil filter on my car, and wondered why I was losing so much oil.
Louis hay of ‘How to heal your life’, would say it was all to do with suppressed anger. I agree!

I went into Childline last weekend, feeling sorry for myself and not really wanting to do any counselling so I listened in.
The conversation with a 14year old was so awful, that my problems paled into insignificance.

I completed my transformation after having a fantastic reading by a man called Fred from Bolton. I have to say that he was so accurate and I was overwhelmed when he brought my mum through.
For all my beliefs it was and is hard to accept that, she is no longer here in body. I do miss her terribly but feel her presence around me giving me strength to carry on.

I feel more optimistic and however awful the circumstances, there is always a light waiting for you to find in your darkness!
Life has been a challenge since I lost my mum at Christmas.
Everything has gone wrong and after the tooth incident and the spots, I have not felt like doing anything especially getting out my computer and blogging.

Not wanting to dwell on all the negative stuff, the main positive thing that I have started to do is to go running two or three times a week with a friend. It is fabulous and we have both felt the benefits. I highly recommend it to anyone that is feeling down, as a powerful therapy!
Focusing on oneself and realising that the health of your mind, body and soul lies with yourself is an enlightening thought.
Self-preservation lies on each and everyone’s own doorstep.

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own destiny.

I have tried to take responsibility for my own actions and destiny for a while, not blaming outside influences for the reasons I am where I am today.
Becoming overwhelmed with the enormity of everything that has gone on in my life since before Christmas, I decided it was ok to feel sorry for myself.

Within my own self pity I felt alone and angry at everything.

Consequently the reasons for the festering pustule abscess and the outbreak of spots.
I even had a rotten oil filter on my car, and wondered why I was losing so much oil.
Louis hay of ‘How to heal your life’, would say it was all to do with suppressed anger. I agree!

I went into Childline last weekend, feeling sorry for myself and not really wanting to do any counselling so I listened in.
The conversation with a 14year old was so awful, that my problems paled into insignificance.

I completed my transformation after having a fantastic reading by a man called Fred from Bolton. I have to say that he was so accurate and I was overwhelmed when he brought my mum through.
For all my beliefs it was and is hard to accept that, she is no longer here in body. I do miss her terribly but feel her presence around me giving me strength to carry on.

I feel more optimistic and however awful the circumstances, there is always a light waiting for you to find in your darkness!

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Me with spots

After the dentist

Just to complete the saga after my Dentist experience!
After my doctor gave me a double dose of really strong anti-biotics the infection calmed down.
The Wednesday after I had finished the tablets I suddenly came out in a rash which proceeded to get more pronounced. By the Thursday, I woke up covered from top to toe in spots and felt ill. My whole ntist,looked like I had the measles. I then went to bed and didn’t get up until Saturday afternoon. I think I slept most of the time and felt extremely tired and unwell.

Today one week later after the holiday I managed to get an appointment at the doctors.
Oh said the doctor, ‘It looks like an allergic reaction to the anti biotics!’
‘You do know that I am allergic to penicillin, don’t you?’ I said to the doctor.
‘There was penicillin in one of the antibiotics1’ he said looking at his computer screen.
‘Oh, I said’, and I left.

What I found hard to believe is that I have been with the same GP for years who knew all my medical history and he didn’t ask me whether I was allergic to anything.
I did not think about it because I felt so ill at the time and it was the last thing on my mind.

It is amazing that the whole episode could have been less complicated if the dentist had treated me correctly in the first place.

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Naughty Dentist

I thought I might write up a follow on from my experience at the dentist.
Apparently the person who pulled my tooth at the emergency dentist should never have. The infection started to go through my body and I was being poisoned. It was a good job my mate Fred
Suggested I go to the doctors or it could have been worse than it was. I should complain so that it does not happen to anyone else!

I do not visit the doctors often, once a year if I am lucky. I believe in the power of thought and taking care of myself.
I know that sometimes the doctor has to be consulted. They are there to do a job, but sometimes some people use drugs when they could go for an alternative remedy instead.

Just to give you a quick example of how Aromatherapy can help. My son was continually having ear infections and my friend Sarah who is a great holistic therapist suggested I try oils.
After using Roman Camomile, Extract of grapefruit seed or Citricidal by Higher Nature and Tea Tree in a drop of good quality almond oil, Joshua has never had another anti biotic for an ear infection and now he is 8 years of age.
Heat up the almond oil or any good quality base oil in a spoon with the aromatherapy oils and twist a piece of cotton wool up into a small spiral and let the cotton wool soak up the oils. Make sure the cotton wool is not too hot by testing it on the back of your hand first. Twist the Cotton wool into the ear and it should stay in place until the ear infection subsides.

I use to make it into a game with Joshua. He is used to taking different alternative remedies so I do not have much of a problem.

The oils I use are by Auroma and they are one of the best pure organic oils on the market. I am in the process of putting a link onto my site so that people can purchase these oils directly.

If anyone wants some more indept information on Aromatherapy try this link

Wednesday 28 March 2007

A journey into PAIN!
This is a journey of pain and my experiences of the emergency dentist. I am sharing this because the experience has not been a good one and it could have been so different if I had been given the care that I should have been entitled to.

Its and I have not long been up because I went to bed at 7pm for a lie down fully clothed!
Have you ever woken up wondering what time it is and wondering too why you still have your clothes on?
I have had the most horrendous time over the past 7 days……Toothache or rather, a massive festering abscess under my back crowned tooth. Not a nice experience and the pain…well nothing can describe it. It is like having an open nerve and some invisible body is twisting a knife slowly round and round, and it does not stop!

I am actually disappointed at the treatment I received from the emergency dentist. I went there on Saturday after not having a good night sleep and having to take 400mg ibuprofen throughout the night, because that is all I had. I think my sister-in-law gave me some paracetamol+ but they didn’t work!
Infact the pain was not as severe then, but my night sleep was not good and by the morning, I decided to go to the emergency dentist. I turned up at 10am expecting to be seen and was told I could not see anyone because I did not have an appointment! I did explain that my toothache was getting worse. Did you have to make an appointment before you had the emergency?
I was not very pleased and came away feeling totally helpless. I cried in the car because the toothache was getting worse and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I was thinking about the night ahead.
I arrived back at my friend Gillians and I managed to spend the day working on the computer and taking some heavy-duty painkillers from the chemist. Apparently Paramol a mixture of paracetamol plus dihydrocodeine are the strongest that you can buy over the counter. So being a person that never takes tablets or drugs I spent the day taking these and ibuprofen because you are not supposed to take more than 2 tablets every 4 hours of the high strength ones. I dread to think what my insides are like. I had the most horrendous night sleep and the pain became unbearable.

My mouth in the morning had swollen and I looked like a hamster. The swelling had started to extend over the left hand side of my face and it was a big surprise to see myself in the mirror, all swollen and lopsided. I rushed back to the emergency dentist for 9am. The receptionist had told me there was a limit on the amount of patients they took so I had better get there early.
The clocks had just gone back and I think people were still in bed, so I was lucky to be number 6.
“What’s wrong with you?” he said. “Can’t you see the swelling in my face?” I thought, pointing to my slightly over enlarged cheek and jaw. I cried, not much, because I don’t mind dentists but I think it was the simple fact of being able to see someone who might be able to help. I think he thought I was a little bit over emotional and he sent me back into the waiting room after giving me a few deep injections. He did question whether the tooth was the right one because I couldn’t feel anything when he started prodding around. I had taken the pain killers otherwise nobody could have touched that tooth.
“Not a good idea”, he said…. “To take painkillers.” ”It is, if you had toothache like me,” I thought!
He pulled my tooth and sent me away with a large wad of cotton wool mopping up the blood. That was it!
I think I was in shock and I did ask him, “Is that it?” “Should I see my doctor, dentist, whoever?” “If you want “ he said.
Oh, he did suggest I sit in the waiting room until I felt better because I was a bit disorientated and I needed to drive 12 miles home. When I eventually got home I took to my bed and didn’t get up for anything, but the world still turned around me, and people cope!

Monday morning was not good! I had taken a couple of the painkillers to dull the night’s pain. I was definitely off my food and I couldn’t eat anyway.
I was going into Cyberskills, a fantastic place nearby that offers free help in my county for everything that you need to build your business. I could have spent the day in bed but my appointment was booked and I was meeting someone there. Fred, the saviour of all websites and who has helped me build two sites, said, “You look terrible, you ought to go and see your doctor”.
I managed to squeeze an appointment in because I did feel lousy and the receptionist commented on my swollen mouth and the redness that had started to spread down into my chest area.

By the time I got to the surgery at 5pm my throat was hurting and the redness had started to spread out little tentacles of redness further down into my chest area. My face was turning a deeper shade of pink and my chest looked like I was wearing one of those heavy Egyptian necklaces.
The doctor was horrified to know that I had been sent away with nothing and rang the local dental department in the main hospital nearby. He apologetically sent me away with two sets of anti biotic 600mg of ‘lets kill the infection off’ tablets.” If it goes into the bone it could be serious”, he said. “Nice to know!” I thought.
I have to admit that they did work immediately and the redness had calmed down by the morning, but they don’t stop you from feeling unwell. The swelling has reduced dramatically and the redness has paled. I am still off my food, which isn’t a bad thing because I wanted to lose some weight! I don’t feel well and I might have to go back to my very kindly ‘strawberry field’s GP. (He loves growing them!)

Going against the grain too, I will have to finish the course of anti- biotic tablets because I am a healthy everything natural type of person who would love now to be living the simple life somewhere more balanced and untouched by so much consumerism. But that another blog for another day. And if you want to know a little bit more log onto my website at

Ps. I have diversified a little bit with this blog from my initial content but it made such a big impact on me I had to share the experience!

Wednesday 21 March 2007


Today is March 21st, nearly 1 month since I left to go to Austria, and everything seems to have gone to pot since then.

I was blogging every day for over a month before I went to Austria. Since I have returned I seem to have lost momentum and time seems to have flown by even quicker.
There was a website I found by chance a few years ago called, ‘Acceleration of Time.’ I can quite well believe it! I have often thought for a long time that 24 hours is no longer 24 hours. It is more like 12 hours! The trouble is I can no longer find the website, so if anyone knows anything drop me a comment and web address please!

OK, I have a few ideas and I think my blog needs sorting out. I am going to do three different blogs so that I can keep my writing in some kind of order!
I started with a blog about me and my different views and experiences on everything spiritual. I have by no means finished this section because I have a lot of unusual and exciting experiences and philosophies to share.

Another passion that has recently resurfaced is the environment. My main motive is to introduce people to Freedom Fuels International. This innovative self-made company produce a product to reduce emissions and increase MPG on cars. The company has boomed and they are currently operating in 165 countries.
If anyone fancies taking a look then log onto If you feel you are a consumer with a conscience and want to protect the world for future generations then this is one for you!
Austria being the fantastic place it is, will also feature prominently in this blog1

My other passion is God! Or anything spiritual. It is going to be slightly different from my initial blog because it will be geared around the Catholic Church.
My friend Sarah who is also, my business partner went mad when I mentioned the Catholic Church.
Fair enough, they have a lot to answer for. Corruption, rape, pillage, greed, domination,control, lies etc!
However, everyone has an opportunity to repent and change!

There are many things I am not sure about and do not agree with. I have never been one for following the crowd. The reason I came back to the Church was I had a good friend who is Catholic and who kept on asking me to meet her there. Therefore, I went! It was as simple as that.
It was also an ideal opportunity to introduce my son Joshua to a sense of community. They do cater for kids and I felt it was a good thing to do for him.

As I am also into exploring many things, I felt it time to go back to the Church and question certain views and rituals. I have started going up to see our priest, a great man who has an open mind. Unlike the priests that I knew as a child Father Ian will listen and discuss issues that I know were once never mentioned or spoken about. So that cannot be bad can it?
A step in the right direction… All this can be read in my Blog for God!

Yesterday was my birthday, the last day of Pisces. I have a Sagittarius rising and a Pisces moon and yes, my feet are not often on the floor.
I am not going to do much more because basically I have just drunk half a bottle of wine with a friend. She came round to wish me well and now I am feeling the effects of the alcohol.
So I am going to bed, happy in the knowledge that tomorrow is another possible blogging day!

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Ten years to save the Planet!

I cannot believe that time has flown by so quickly and it is 19 days since I wrote my last blog.

I had forgotten how beautiful Austria is, and the reason I do not go there often is that I never want to come back to the UK.
My mum is Austrian and we have been travelling there ever since I was four years old. My partner Karl is also Austrian and I lived there for nearly 3 years with him, until we decided in 1999 to come back to Britain.
The quality of life I think is vastly superior. There are many differences in the lifestyles and culture and these hidden ‘gems’ of surprise will be covered in my blog. Most of them I feel are positive but there are a few strange rules that could be changed for the better.

I have decided to start a new blog on the environment, to include my travels in Europe, especially Austria.

My experiences of the fantastic Austrian culture will be included in this new blog,

There will also be lots of up to date environmental pictures and links where you can go if you want to learn more about the destruction of the planet and the different things you can do to help.

Not to be too dramatic.....BUT this could be US in the future if we dont do something NOW..........!

Thursday 22 February 2007

Going on Austria..!

We are just about to set off to catch the boat at Dover. It is 19.10 and we have to be there by 4.00am and I should try and get some sleep before we leave.
We are off to Austria for 12 days so I will not be doing any blogging, unless I can get hold of a computer while I am there.
Our families are from there, so we have lots of people to see.

I might have some interesting things to write when I get back.

Until then!

The next stage to regaining your life....mind, course,psychology,challenge....

How can this course help me?

There is only one science of the mind. How can this course mean so much too so many types of people, of varying ages and different circumstances in life?
The laws of Psychology are the same for everyone. The principles which govern mental reactions are the same for all of us.

It is true that certain, slight, physical changes take place in the brain as we grow older, but the method of our thought process remains constant.
When it comes to the application of the laws of thought, there is a difference. The objectives of youth, middle age and those of advanced years are quite different.

You can secure knowledge of the laws of Psychology, provided you can apply them.

Knowledge which cannot be applied is useless.

This course will be a personal experience for you, and everyone will have a different challenge to overcome.
If you choose to continue, you will be rewarded by the ultimate results. Remember always measure your success in terms of your own growth. Remember on this voyage of discovery you are going to learn how to use your mind, how to make the most of your mental equipment.
If you get all that is for you out of this course, you will not only learn how to acquire and classify facts properly, but also how to use them to your best advantage.

The general aim of further study is to develop the techniques of a higher mental efficiency, of self-management and of dealing with others and with the world.

You will be able to solve personal problems and emotional situations of everyday life.

You will learn to value yourself and encourage all your newfound positive qualities.

You will learn how to make use of them for your best interests and the interests of others.


mind, course,psychology,challenge....

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Are you a pessimist or a fatalist....goals,death,destiny,aspirations,life..

Are you a pessimist or a fatalist?

Both types of person have a limited and distorted view of the universe and of human existence.

They allow themselves to be subject to circumstance and because they have nowhere to go, they never reach their goals.

The pessimist believes that all is wrong with the world. Why aim for anything good and be disappointed?
Anyway, death ends all, so why bother?

The fatalist regards the world as a big machine and all human beings are being turned out from it as a part of its products. We are in the clutch of blind destiny, neither good nor bad and we may as well submit to what destiny has in store for us.
Why go after things and still not get them in the end? We shall get all that is coming to us anyway.

Both views do not nurture any aspirations, only nullify them, and produce a paralysis of despair.
The only remedy for them is to get a more profound view of the universe. They need to develop a positive, constructive philosophy on life.
Some of the great prophets and poets have lived for the basis of humanity and see the universe as a rational place based on law.
Personality is seen as being a precious thing to be developed and a Co-operative effort is part of a constant, ever advancing development towards making this world a better place to live.

All personal aims become valid and worthwhile when we develop this positive attitude towards life.

It becomes the source of all aspirations.


Tuesday 20 February 2007

'Most Haunted'....spirit,energy,mediums,dying,time.

I am going to write something about spirit and energy tonight. I have just been watching ‘Most Haunted’, and the team of investigators have been at Tatton Park, near Manchester, England.
Although Tatton has many ghosts, this particular session centres on a man who lived and worked at Tatton, an old Tudor Hall.
He has been seen wandering around the ground floors and is one of the reasons lots of psychic phenomena is happening there on a regular basis.
Apparently, Tom dislikes women and it is usually the females who seem to sense his presence more than others do. The investigators try to goad him into showing himself. They then react with surprise when anything is thrown or moved around.

Why do spirits choose to stay around and not want to move on?

My theories on this might be that the person in question could have been a loner with not many friends or perhaps no relatives that meant anything. Therefore, they might have no reason to move on or nowhere else to go, or so they believe! They become attached to the place that they live.
Tom lived and worked at Tatton and in his mind and reality, he still lives and works there.
He also does not want any intrusion into his life.

The spirit could also be caught up in a cycle of action and reaction. An example of this could be the place that attracts people that choose to end their own lives by jumping off certain cliffs. You will find that certain places have a history of events that attract this cycle of events.
Like attracts like. That I believe, is why certain places attract certain unhappy events!
The person continues to jump off the same cliff and is caught up in a cycle, that they do not know how to end. Other people with the same feelings are drawn to do exactly the same thing at that same place.
It takes the ‘medium’ or someone that can bridge the very thin veil between worlds, to get in touch with the person and show them a way that they can move on.

Another fact might be that the person does not believe that they have died. Life for them still goes on in the same manner and the visitors who happen to come along are just intrusions in his or her life.
Tom will continue to walk the halls of Tatton, until he has a realisation that time has indeed moved on and he too can leave that place.

This subject warrants more discussion and I will elaborate further on my ideas in future blogs.

'Most haunted'............spirit, energy, mediums, dying, time, attraction

Monday 19 February 2007

Confidence and the mind!

“I am not confident enough to achieve my goal!”

Is this something that you say to yourself, when you feel worried over the goal that you want to achieve?

Ask yourself, when you feel a lack of confidence in your aim, “Why did I think about this goal in the first place.” There must have been slight grounds for some belief in your future dreams, unless it was a very unobtainable thought or daydream.
If you feel, however, that you might be able to achieve your dreams through proper training or experience, then start it and build up your confidence by making sufficient preparations. Stop talking about, not having enough confidence and just go out there and do it.

If you feel that you still cannot do this, then drop the aim and take another more suitable one that you can follow with courage!

The trouble with most people who lack confidence is that they fail to take the action recommended and worry themselves stupid over the problem. They turn the problem over in their minds, until they become sick and tired.
They focus in the wrong direction and on the wrong object, namely themselves instead of outwards, towards their goal.
Worse still, is that their focus is on their own weaknesses and defects, instead of their abilities and their past successes.

The answer is to turn your attention to the object ahead of you and focus on the activities that will bring you step by step to achieve your aims.
You have to go after your cake, before you can eat it!

Think of you aim as the best cure for lack of confidence. Let it possess and inspire you. Think of all that it will mean to you and your family if you go through with it.

If something does go wrong, you can still respect yourself and others will respect you. You will have also got some experience, which will help you for the next effort.

Persistent confidence and effort will eventually win out and you will achieve your dream.


Sunday 18 February 2007

Blogging for God..freedom,help,self,happiness...!

I went to mass this morning. The journey to going back to church is a long one, which I might cover some other time.
Anyway, this morning we had a black priest from London visiting the parish called Father Godwin, who was originally from Africa. He just happened to mention that he had a wonderful time here in Wales, and how ‘free’ he felt here!

What he said next is the reason why I felt I needed to write this blog, rather than continue with my blogging on the mind training.

Whilst here, he had been invited by a number of the parishioners to visit their homes and join them in meals. He said that in London, he was rarely asked to go to anyone’s house. Only a few people of black descent had ever asked him to join them in their own homes.
He also said that in London especially on the tube, people hide behind their newspapers and rarely talk or acknowledge each other, not even to him, a priest. He seemed sad that people felt they could not talk to each other anymore!

He then went on to say that, he had visited the castle in Denbigh. It sits on top of a hill in the centre of the town and is surrounded by magnificent views of the vale of Clwyd.
While he was there enjoying these breath-taking views, a stranger approached him and they stood talking for a ‘whole 15 minutes’.
He did not elaborate on the conversation, but was amazed by the friendliness of the stranger. This person rekindled within Father Godwin a renewed sense of belonging.
He thanked God for allowing him to experience freedom again. He also said that it reminded him of how he felt when he lived back in Africa.

The reason I felt that I had to write about this, is because of the whole issue of how fragmented people have become.
People rarely think about other people first especially in large, overcrowded societies where perhaps the word survival is paramount.
It is a shame that we have become so engrossed with the self and most of us find it hard to help our neighbour. We have become a nation of helping ourselves first and it all seems to be geared up around money, and the have and have not’s! Some people find it hard even to help their own families!

I have experienced the coldness and indifference of people living in London. I often wonder why people seem to be in fear of allowing their fellow human beings to get too close to them.
They seem to have cut themselves off and have stopped interacting with strangers.

Maybe the first step would be to acknowledge our fellow human beings with a polite good day or good morning. The world would definitely become a nicer place!

That would certainly be a start in the right direction!...

freedom, help, thoughts, happiness, god, self, belonging.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Education, experience and training the mind!

“I have not the experience or education to do what I want to do.”
Does this statement ring true with you perhaps? Have you ever felt that you are too limited to do any more studying or to go into art or maybe writing?

If age seems a handicap or if you have too many family commitments to go off and enter a profession or start a course of study away, then there are other ways to fulfil your dream.

There are many correspondence courses run by many universities that will give you opportunities for getting all the knowledge and culture you may require. Afterwards you can test out this new ability and discover whether it is a worthwhile vocation.

An example of this is a businessperson who is an authority on butterflies and who has a private laboratory in his back garden for the study of them.
Another businessperson builds boats in his back garden.

For the person who is ambitious for an education to carry out some desire in life, they need to investigate the numerous opportunities that can be found.

Do not overestimate what you are capable of achieving because of what you think you will gain either in money or popularity.
Make the most of yourself but see that you introduce some common sense into your ambitions. Do not yearn to possess something that might be out of reach or not in keeping with who you are.

Mind, education, opportunity, business, experience,...

Friday 16 February 2007

Not enough, change, success, training, mind?

“I have not got the money to do what I want to do!”

Money is a great power for getting what you want in the world, but not in every case.

All the money in the world will not give you the energy and enthusiasm to reach your goal.
They are fundamental factors, and money is one of the means of getting there more quickly.
Sometimes when we have no money, the struggle to achieve and carry out an aim hardens the character, intensifies the concentration, and gives a spurt to your initiative.
If you look at the lives of a few successful businesspersons, inventors, artists, scientists, how many of them were held back because of a lack of money?

If you are not too tied down with commitments to family responsibilities, or too old to care, do not let money considerations stop you from carrying out your aim.

There are many ways for getting on if you have determination and a strong ambition.
Borrowing, earning money on the side, studying for a higher paid position, finding work helping in the community, asking friends who may be able to help in getting openings for you, these are several ways that you can promote your business or interests.

If you need capital to start your business, then start small and gradually enlarge as you grow bigger. Or else work your way up in someone else’s business until you become a valuable part of the company.
If you need education, then colleges can offer all kinds of training and opportunities for the ambitious man or woman.

If you really want to succeed, you will not let the lack of money stop you.

Finally keep in mind that the best things in life cannot be obtained at all by money alone.

Mind, change, success, training, business, money...

Thursday 15 February 2007

What does life mean to you..mind,enthusiasm, life, creativity?

Have you any enthusiasm for life?

Have you any special interest in anything?

These comments are usually from the person who is employed by someone else. The person who lets other people do his thinking for him. He is a routinist. It is no wonder that he hates his job and finds his existence boring.

When a person has nothing exciting to live for and has no thought or creative outlet, the rut that he is in grows deeper.
Wake up and realize the possibilities of what you can achieve.

What does life mean to you?

If you do not think life hold much hope for you, can you make life a little bit better for others?
That thought alone should support a renewed hope in life.

As regards your work, try to dig deep into the subject that you are interested in. Your work will become interesting if you only open your eyes to the underlying principles, problems, methods, and relationships to other interesting aspects of life.

It is in learning that we find the secret of creating and developing interests.

The trouble with most of us is that we stop consciously learning when we leave school.

Knowledge is the mother of interest and if we begin to train our minds and hands, then interest will surely spring up.
There are very few examples of work when there is not something to be learnt.

An example of this could be the man that monotonously cuts marble for tombstones. He decided to take up the subject of geology and find out about the history of the rocks, which he handled. He learnt the about the different kinds of marble and from where they came from. He also began to learn about the different types of sculpture and design from earliest times to the present. This task had opened up a marvellous new world for him.

Who knows where an interest or renewed area of learning could take you!

Creativity, life, interest, learning, mind, enthusiasm...

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Invisible bonds that tie...astrology, energy, environment,life, spirit?

It is that time again, 4.00am and I have woken up so I am up writing this blog.

Yes, my son has also woken up, but I have sent him back to bed and hopefully he will go back to sleep. As I elaborated in an earlier Blog, there is definitely a strong invisible bond of energy that exists between us.
We seem to be strongly connected on some deeper level.

Just to finish off with on the subject, is that Joshua is a Gemini and has a Libra ascendant and a Pisces moon.
His father is a Libran, the sun figure, and I, the moon in astrology am a Pisces.

One last thing to mention is that a good friend Duncan Harper, who has been studying astrology for over 15 years did a combined chart for Karli, my partner and me.
It showed that a child would be born on the first degree of Gemini with a Pisces moon and a Libran sun. I had my son on the 21st of May and it was in the first degree of Gemini. The rest is also true.

Astrology is a subject that I know very little about, but there is definitely lots of interesting and exciting information to be learnt.

My blogs will contain very little about astrology, but on our new website you will find in the future, information on different aspects of astrology.
I am hoping that Duncan will be contributing lots of interesting articles ...

A part of this site will be focused on the very important issues of the environment, so the astrology information will be to do with countries and their planetary aspects.

Why a country has the problems it has, i.e. Britain comes under the star sign of Capricorn.
That is why this country is so materialistic and money focused, because Capricorn is partly the sign of money and the bank manager.
There will be more to be read on that interesting subject later.

I was getting up with the sole intention of writing some more interesting insights into energy, and spirit.

My blogs recently have all been on the mind and how to improve your life. I have veered off from my original intention but there is no reason why I cannot combine the two because they are both interconnected.

I actually feel I need to go back to bed and I have already written over 300 words, so it will have to wait for another

WHAT DOES LIFE MEAN TO YOU? ....astrology, energy, environment, life, spirit..

Dig deep and, goals, mind, patience, responsibility, reward, success?

Have you got a tremendous amount of energy but soon fizzle out to nothing? Can you be likened to a beautiful firework that starts out with a tremendous amount of energy and then fizzles until nothing is left?
Have you tried one thing after another and then tire of it when the novelty wears off?

The only way to remedy this is to find out what is the cause of the trouble.

One question to ask is whether you have ever taken your job seriously enough.

Maybe you have been shallow in your approach and have not taken the interest deep enough to keep you doing it.
Maybe you have only just scratched the surface. Maybe you have no desire to become a master at what you do, nor do you have any ambition to move higher in this position.

It is no wonder that your interest peters out once the novelty wears off, or the new friendships with your fellow workers dwindle.

Another issue could be that you have failed to connect your work with your other interests in life, so you lose all the motivation to continue making a success out of your job.

The person who wants a new home, needs a settled financial income in order to achieve that goal. Maybe you are as fickle in your social interests as you are in your business life. Can you be counted upon to get involved in a committee or group and take on some responsibility?
The person who does not accomplished anything, or does not keep steadily to any line of business, is the person that will not be taken seriously for any social responsibility.

The fact is that whenever there is a task that demands patience, persistent energy, or heavier responsibility in planning and problem solving, then are you ready to lie down and quit?

Are you like the runner who gives up before he gets his second wind?

The remedy has already been mentioned. You need to dig deeper into your work. You will discover lots more fundamental interests and new openings will open up in different areas. You might even discover that you want to strive for some higher position.

Maybe a new position will open up or a new department. You will gain a new respect for yourself, because you have found an attitude of responsibility, stability, and ambition towards your job.
The joy of successful achievement will eventually be your reward.

WHAT DOES LIFE MEAN TO YOU? ...success, reward, goals, patience, energy, responsibility, mind...

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Internet Marketing and bedwetting...Life, Focus?

I am up again and it is 4.30am. My son has had an 'accident' in his bed and woke me up! I took him swimming yesterday evening, and he must have drunk half of the pool because he complained of tummy ache?

Therefore, my mind is now full of things I need to do, and most of it centres on the web based business I am trying to develop. I was actually in the middle of increasing my back links when I was abruptly awoken from my sleep............!

It was brought to my attention by my friend and business partner Sarah that the word internet broken down could be viewed as, “into the net”. That is certainly, what has happened to me!

I have searched and acquired all kinds of information on various topics:

  • e-bay
  • e-zines
  • squeeze pages
  • e-books
  • pay per click
  • focus target markets
  • emotional direct response marketing
  • blogging
  • business funnels
  • sales brochures
  • joint venturing
  • affiliates
  • power linking
  • timely stories
  • spam assassins
  • co-registration
  • unique visitors
  • tracking pages
  • keywords
  • testing

The list goes on……!

The problem is I feel somewhat overwhelmed by the enormity of all the information.

How easy it is to get side tracked from what you originally started out to do? Just what I have written in my blog!

My new internet-based business is quite young. My first web site of 6 years is more of a spiritual based information site rather than a business. I am now developing it further by changing certain things, to get more traffic.

I am in the process of creating a new site, which started as a way to promote and sell all the fanstastic information products I have.

Then I decided to bring into the site the spiritual and environmental ways of how to change your life, as well as the material.

It is looking quite good, and the people that have seen it so far have liked it…thank goodness!

I decided to start blogging as a way to introduce myself, as a spiritual and sensitive person. It is supposed to contain mainly, deep meaningful, thought provoking stuff.

Up to now, my needs have always been met, but unfortunately, my needs are now not enough to survive, and I have had to think about what it is that I want.

That started me on the pathway of thinking how to promote and market an online business and an idea was created around selling information products – a hot topic!

I have had to put into practise what I have just been writing about in my blog, what is it that I want?My end goal is to have enough money to be financially independent and to help other people in the process. Therefore, an internet marketing business is in the process of being created!

After all, what you ask for is given to you! this space.

With these last few words, I think I need to go and meditate, because I have only had 4 hours sleep.

Oh and thanks to Joshua for getting me up, otherwise I would not have written this post!

Focus, Affiliates, Environment, Keywords, Life, Markets, Sales...

What is your taste, talent, Interests, pleasure?

“I have no special taste, talent, or ability.”
Do you recognise these words? The answer to that statement is “you are no worse off than the average person”.

Very few people have remarkable gifts that make them stand out in their early years, and which mark a definite pathway for them to follow.
There are also very few people who have not the capability for creating an interest or ability in a number of things, even though they have not any specific natural talent.

To nurture any interest we have to be alert to any opportunity that comes our way. We also have to be attracted to those opportunities that have more appeal. We may have to experiment with different kinds of activity and keep on trying to find something to which we are attracted.

Eventually if we are determined and aggressive in our efforts, we can develop a good deal of interest and ability.

Often what we end up doing is an offshoot of what we started out doing. Sometimes a person finds out that their true vocation lies with what they have been doing in their leisure time. Not what they have been doing as a regular occupation.

Instances of this could be the person that takes flowers to a sick relative and discovers an interest in nursing.

An environmentalist finds her job safe but unsociable, and starts taking the odd photograph. The hobby soon turns into a passion and she decides to have an exhibition of her work. A young man in college is an active member of the debating society. He discovers a real ability for public speaking and this pushes him into leadership and world affairs.

The list is endless.
  • Do not dwell on what you cannot do and envy those that seem to have it all sorted out.
  • Instead, ask yourself, “Am I using what I have or am I ignoring it, and hiding it.”
  • Begin with what you have and build up an interest and ability.
  • With what you have, begin to develop your maximum of ability.
  • If you have to start small, then nurture what you have, and eventually big oak trees will grow out of little acorns.

Many small businesses have started from the kitchen table and have turned themselves into small empires.

Hobbies are also desirable to cultivate. Just because you cannot paint, why can’t you cultivate an appreciation of art in various ways? You may not be a great golfer or tennis player, but there is no reason why you cannot get relaxation and pleasure from the game.

It takes only a dash of spice to get the cake appetizing, so a tiny opportunity or slight ability may give a rich flavour to life.

DIG DEEP AND FOCUS ....Mind, Pleasure, Ability, Gifts, Interests, Talents, Opportunity?

Monday 12 February 2007

Are you stuck in a Rut...Aims,Change, Goals, Relationships, Mind?

Most of us, as we travel through life have acquired set beliefs and ideas about ourselves, about our jobs, our religion, and perhaps our morals.

When we acquire a set belief about something, this is normally when our mental development has stopped. Our minds become closed to any new ideas on the subject and we refuse to be changed or modified.

Although we may regard ourselves as being open minded, most of us can become fixed and narrow minded in our views. Unconsciously we have closed the doors of reason.

When a growth is so gradual that we do not realise it is happening, this form of a self-arrested development is the most difficult to give up.
When we are accused of, being narrow minded we strenuously deny it and object to the implications that we are not open minded.

Examples of this can be the salesperson who is fixated on having to achieve certain levels of sales. The worker who would have no desire to go any further in his job, because he feels secure. The person that runs a factory is content to go on running his factory exactly the same way as he has always run it.

Another example used to be the housewife who marries and places herself at a expected vocational level and remains throughout her life a fixated house wife. Luckily lots of women have been liberated from this role and tries to manage and juggle careers and children. I feel this statement is certainly a comment for future debate!

There are many other examples of people stuck in ruts, unhappy in their job, relationship and situations, but are too afraid to move on.

What is important is your attitude towards your work, and the effect it has on your entire mental life.

This is why it is so important to find your aim or goal in life. The problem is that it is usually this aim that is so difficult to establish and these difficulties will be covered next time.

WHAT IS YOUR TASTE, TALENT OR ABILITY? ...Mind, Relationships, Change, Aims,

Goals, Beliefs

Heaven Felts .... home....spiritual, energy, interest?

Heaven Felts .... home

This is just to mention my other site. You can see lots of spiritual stuff and I am still working on different things, that I think people might be interested in ......Just a hint of what the picture is on the energy field at the time!!

I hope you enjoy it!

INVISIBLE BONDS THAT TIE! ...interest, spiritual, energy

Sunday 11 February 2007

What is your Dream....Goals,Mind, Secret, Solution,Success?

No matter what your circumstances are, there is a solution or perhaps many solutions to your problem.

Some people blame what is not right in their lives and think they are “victims of circumstances”. While it is true that a combination of unforeseen and unforeseeable might create difficult problems, there is always a way out.

The man who lets outside influences control him becomes a ‘yes’ man who is the imitator and he never formulates his own opinion. Consequently, he builds up a set of judgements formulated by his environment. But he does not know what else to do.

The secret to owning your own life is to find out what is the nature and source of your various wants.
  • How you can evaluate them?
  • What you can do to nurture the ones that are desirable and get rid of the ones that do you no good?
  • How you can then transform them into desirable aims?

The first goal is to list your deficiencies, try to recognise them, in order for you to overcome them. Nearly everyone has a struggle with something.

Nothing worthwhile is ever gained without effort. The most important thing is your mental attitude.

Approach your goals with the confidence of success and you can achieve anything.

ARE YOU STUCK IN A RUT? ...Mind,Dream, Goals, Secret, Solution,Success

Saturday 10 February 2007

The Mind 2.....Challenge,Insights,Journey, Truth, Wisdom

Let go of what you think you want and everything will become easy. On the other hand, is it that easy?

Just to diversify a little from the title, I have been reading ‘The Pilgrimage’ by Paulo Coelho. For anyone who has not read it, it is about a legendary journey across Spain to find a ‘sword’.

The author is on a quest to find the secret of ancient wisdom, and is transformed forever as he learns to understand the very nature of truth through the experiences of the journey he undertakes.

We are all on a journey of different kinds, embracing different problems and situations.

Whatever yours is, you will eventually piece together the answers and then wonder why the journey to get there was so difficult.

I certainly feel that everyday brings a new challenge, a new solution, or a new insight.

Moreover, for each one of us the journey is different.

What happens if you have too many wants? How do you manage them or deal with them? Are they always pulling you in different directions? Do they conflict with each other?

Some of them might seem too easily satisfied and some of them do not seem obtainable at all.

Are you generally dissatisfied with yourself? Maybe you cannot lay your hand on one particular thing, but everything seems to be wrong.

The whole rhythm of your life seems to be different from everyone others.

Do you worry about things that are of no importance and never occur?

Do you find excuses for putting something off or use your time dealing with the minor things that are not important?

Are circumstances under which you live, your job, your possessions, or things about you, ruling, and dominating your whole life?

Do things outside you direct and determine your thoughts and actions instead of you directing and determining them?

Many of us do not realise that we are completely the slaves of our environment. Then we wonder why we do not get on like others who seem to be subject to the same conditions.

However, the difference is that of the leader or follower.

In one case, the mind does the leading and in the other case the mind follows.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? ......Challenge, Insights, Journey, Solution, Truth, Wisdom, Mind..

Friday 9 February 2007

The Mind...Change, Interest,Self, Success, Developement?

As well as writing these blogs I am in the process of creating a new website all about changing your life. You will be able to find ideas on spiritual matters and on ways to benefit materially. Until my partner Sarah and I get to the point where the site can be accessed I am going to start writing an introduction to one of the subjects that I believe can seriously help you on your life path. It is all about the mind.

I am going to take you on a new adventure….the exploration of your mind and a hint of how your mind works….what do you think of that?

If you have interest, enthusiasm, and open-mindedness then this could be an eventful journey

It could take a while but I will try to write something every day, unless away. Then I will inform whoever happens upon my blog.

I will also continue with my other stuff, but I am sure it will all be interesting reading.

The importance of mental efficiency can give the person a great advantage over others.

When we think about it, every achievement, a fine poem, a great piece of art, a prosperous business or a remunerative invention all have their first origins in the mind.

So develop the mind and anything is possible. It is the key to every kind of success.

What do you want is really the great question of life?

Hidden within your wants is the main motive-power for your self-development.

You will gain far more than the supply of these special wants.

As you meet these wants, others will develop and so you will begin building higher and higher.

Ask yourself then what do you want?

What you want most of all will determine your whole career. It will colour your daily feelings, thoughts and actions.

You will begin to view everyone in the light of the effect they will have on this want of yours. It will fertilize your thinking and stimulate new ideas and self-confidence will develop. All your activities will be directed to that certain goal and it will shape your life’s achievements.

WHAT YOU WANT BADLY YOU WILL GO AFTER… .....Change, Developement, Interest,

Mind training, Self, Success, Wants?


Visual Delights....Art, Digital imagery, Photography?

This is to introduce my friend Gillian Manniex and her cornucopia of visual imagery.

I decided that my blog needed some beautiful pictures to accompany it so Gillian’s photography seemed the ideal accompaniment.

Gillian is an environmentalist and specializes in environmental management. She produces beautiful digital Photographic Art in her spare time and a few examples can be seen here.

If anyone is interested in viewing, more exciting examples of her work go to

Art, Photography, Digital imagery, Beauty?

Wednesday 7 February 2007

Joy and demons...Change,God, Life, Poetry, Fear,Belief?

Its not too late but I have been meaning to write a new blog for a while now, but time has gotten in the way again.

I have just come across this piece I wrote this year but it is perhaps a bit heavy. Maybe I was feeling sorry for myself, because my mum had just passed over and I began to question what the "hell" was life all about!

I am going to publish it anyway....

So they say. Think about every moment too hard and life becomes bound by strings that are invisible and we wonder why our life never changes.

Caught up in the world wind of a hurricane, moving us forward to near oblivion, we attempt to find a route for our redemption.

We look for a leader, a light to shine in the darkness, but all that we find is dust where once had been life.
We strain to music played by a beating drum, only we do not understand its tune.
We wait to see who is following us and we use the excuse that there is always someone else to blame.
We smother ourselves with hints of remorse when things go wrong but we never accept that maybe the fault lies with ourselves.

Why we are in the situation is the question we ask ourselves often. We always find someone else to blame and rarely look at the reasons why.
We live in fear and we believe that god will forgive us anything.

The earth revolves in a never-ending circle and nights grow dim before dawn breaks. We wake up only admitting that perhaps we had a bad dream and the insights and intuition that tried in the darkness to trigger some answers to our questions is put to one side as we get on with the day.

God is waiting and he will forgive me is the hopeful belief that runs through our heads as people destroy the earth and use its resources to further existence on this planet.

Do not worry, God is not vengeful, he will not harm us.

Little do we realise that god is only watching, smiling and with a knowing look turns his back.

The people will know when they look at their shadows; the realisation will dawn when the mirror of time strikes the hour of their awakening.

They will become aware like a bolt of thunder strikes its target and suddenly all will be clear but then it will be too late for them to turn back, because as the cycle of life revolves the karmic links that they have created will strike again at their door.

They will eventually understand that they will have to relive the experience again and travel down the pathway of life hoping to find their selves at a new doorway of time where they can undo the threads that they have built on the web of human existence.

Acceptance, Change, God, Life, Poetry, Fear, Belief?

Saturday 3 February 2007

Demons and Angels...Dimensions,Energy, Frequencies?

It is 4.00am and I cannot sleep. Lying awake for the last 40mins, I suddenly feel inspired to get up and write this blog. The only small problem is my son who sleeps next door has an invisible antenna that can detect when I am around. He has woken up so I am hoping that he might just go back to sleep!

Some of my views might be a little bizarre for some people. Do not believe anything I write because they are only my beliefs.
Until you believe something for yourself and you feel from within that it is truth, do not trust any other persons belief.

Energy fields that exists between people! Unseen forces that cannot be detected with the invisible eye.
It could be a feeling, a knowing, or a special relationship that ties people or animals together. Like mother and child, wife and husband or an animal and its owner. It might be a place that is special or a country that someone is drawn to.

I also believe that past lives have something to do with the feelings and emotions that bind, but that is another subject for another day.

I certainly have experienced energy on many different levels. Why should not there be parallel universes or places where things that we cannot see exists, be it for good or for evil.

Tonight I watched ‘Constantine’ played by Keannu Reaves, a film about an exorcist who was trying to win his way back into heaven. He sent demons he encountered in this dimension back to their hell. It was actually quite gripping and it got me thinking about the issue of demons and angels.

In the greater plan of life or existence, there are many things that we cannot understand or comprehend.
I believe that we cannot know or understand the enormity of what is in the unseen world that surrounds us.
One thing that is for sure is that between us and surrounding us are invisible particles of energy that exists, but which we cannot see. Are all those particles or is all that space whizzing around ‘squeaky clean’.
By that, I mean are there just voids of nothingness surrounding everything and every creature in this universe?

I will liken the concept of other dimensions to a radio station. We, the earth exist at the frequency of radio 1, but there are other stations that exist outside of our frequency. We could call them radio 2, radio 3, radio 4. How many other layers or dimensions to this universe could there be?

The secret to unlocking interdimentional travel is to know how to access those dimensions.

Within those other dimensions, anything, and everything could exist. Why should we believe that we are the only creatures in this entire universe?

With that final comment, I have to go back to bed but this subject will continue.

So for anyone interested in the concept of other dimensions, parallel universes, angels, demons, entities, thought forms, keep a watch on my space.

JOY AND DEMONS Dimensions,Energy, Frequencies, Existence?

Wednesday 31 January 2007

Finding your higher self again...Energy, Fear, Spirit,Trust?

This is something I wrote in 2000 that I would like to share with whoever happens to pass through and want to read it.

I have books of stuff I have been inspired to write, all scattered around in different places. A bit like my life has been really.
Writing these blogs is proving to be an interesting exercise!

All thought is energy and all energy starts out as pure.
What happens to this pure thought?

Most of us have lost communication with our spirit or higher self. If we could all act on pure thought immediately then our lives would be filled with abundance and joy. After all, spirit only wants the best for us, because spirit is a part of us.

Learn to connect once again through the silence and through meditation. Also through innocence, through acceptance and through not judging.
Discover the power of unconditional love.

Listen to your own truth, trust in your higher self, know that the gift of spirit is with you, and will do you no harm.

Have no fear, because fear does not exist. Fear is only a manifestation of the darkness.

Know that if you learn once again to listen you will only find truth filled with everything good.

Fear and guilt, two manifestations of a negative polarity. Two feelings that keep us locked into a spiral of self-doubt and stagnation.

“Satan: his body is the past, his breath the future. Energised by your past-orientated guilt and your future-orientated fear, he follows you round like some vast cosmic shadow. He casts his nets of fear on the waters of your awareness, and then draws them in with ropes of reason into a guilt ridden past.”
(I have had that written down for years but cannot remember who wrote it! I wanted to share it, because it is very thought provoking!)

Realise that life exists in the present and we should release all that we think we know, because all we know is of the past.

DEMONS AND ANGELS ....Trust, Spirit, Fear, Energy, Comunication, Thoughts?

Wednesday 24 January 2007

Living in the moment...Beauty, Meditation, Journey, Sun, Walk

This morning I went for a walk around the village where I live. The day was crisp and the sun shone through a myriad of floury white clouds.

However, I did not see any of the beauty because my mind was engaged in a disagreement that I had the night before.

The further on I got the more I found myself in the previous night’s conversation.

For whatever reason I began to think about my meditation technique and how good I felt when doing my program.

I suddenly felt the desire to try to bring that feeling into my walk. After all, why should I let those thoughts ruin the beauty that surrounded me?

I then shifted my thinking and began to feel the energy around me.

I began to notice everything within eye distance, the trees on the horizon, the sounds of birds cawing in the distance, and the sun in the sky. The sky was quite blue and the clouds began to dance in a slight breeze that seemed to blow all my thoughts away.

As I walked, I began to focus on my breathing and the cycle of breath became more exhilarating the further I got.

Then my focus shifted to the way I walked and the feel of each step on the road.

My thoughts then started to question about being in the moment.

If I focused just on the movement then I was missing the journey, so for me I had a realisation that the moment can encompass many types of experiences.

To totally enjoy my walk I had to allow the experience of the walk to just flow and be able to enjoy the whole.

I noticed many things on that walk today and I came back quite uplifted.

On arriving back at my flat, I found it hard to transfer that feeling to my surroundings. Mainly because things surround me that I do not really want and I have to encounter people with who I really have no connection.

My summary of this experience is that perhaps there are people that experience a life just trying to survive a materialistic society. Sometimes difficult situations arise and living takes over.
Perhaps they cannot see any other choice and then cannot find the time to do anything else.

Therefore, they fail to see the beauty that surrounds them.

If possible, I will certainly take more time to go out alone and enjoy the beauty of nature and try to bring that experience into my everyday life.

FINDING YOUR HIGHER SELF AGAIN! ....Meditation, Beauty, Sun, Walk, Journey, Day?

Tuesday 23 January 2007

What is Time..Meditation,Stress,Pressure,Sleep?

I have been meaning to write another blog but the electricity went off for over 36 hours and time has flown by so quickly it is now Tuesday. The subject is the concept of time and my perceived perspective on it.

What is Time?

For most people, I guess it is just a measurement to determine what they do in a set day. Why does time go by so quickly or does it?

Is it because people’s lives are full of deadlines or goals that they must achieve within a certain period.

They must get up, go to work and at the end of a working week, they bring home a wage so that they can pay their bills, mortgages, school fees, and entertainment costs.

I have a theory that time has indeed speeded up and what we perceive as 24 hours is no longer 24 hours. It is more like 12 hours. I also believe that it is to make people evaluate what they do in a day and how important it is to that person.

For me I often ask myself, do I really need to do a certain thing, or do I really want to spend my time with a particular person. Is it important in the great scheme of things?

Having meditated for the last 30 years I often have the experience of being surprised at how long my meditations can last. Often I find it difficult to believe that an hour has gone by so quickly, when I feel I have only been in meditation for a short space of time.
It is as if time has stood still within the meditation.

I have only had a couple of experiences when I have felt time has stood still and I have looked at the clock and wondered how I have managed to achieve so much in the time period.
The clock has often only ticked away a few minutes.

Meditation is a wonderful thing and if people could find the time to be still and go within then they would find a place that is free of time and the pressures of everyday life.

It has been proven that 20 minutes meditation is like 3 or 4 hours of sleep.

If time is so, precious and you do not feel that you have enough of it, ask yourself whether you are really spending quality time doing what you really need to do.

On the other hand, could you spend that valuable time doing something else or being with someone that you truly love?

LIVE THE MOMENT?........Meditation, Goals, Pressure, Stress, Time, Sleep?

Friday 19 January 2007

Human Relationships always amaze me...Big Brother,

Ok, i watched 'Big Brother' tonight for the 2nd time.
I saw the first one because I was staying at a friends and she enjoys watching the human dynamics of how people react together. I would normally choose not to watch it.

I regard my time as precious and I can't think of anything worse than being drawn into the lives of strangers to wait and see, if and how they are going to react together.

Obviously if everybody was polite and got on well, there would not be any show.
So the producers of the show know and plan before hand, almost ascertaining what incidents or battles could happen between people.

Tonight I decided to tune in because of the snippets of controversy I had heard about the women in the group.

I was shocked but maybe not suprised at the bullying that went on.

After all it seems to be human nature, that like attracts like and people feel secure in groups.

So perhaps it was a predetermined outcome and I am sure certain people will feel , that they have let themselves down.

Good always wins over evil, even though there will never be darkness without the light.

Who knows, maybe India will win out in the end and in a funny sort of twist they will be the ones ruling us in the 21st century on reality T.V.

I just might tune in and see.....Big Brother, Relationships?

Thursday 18 January 2007

Are you a searcher too...Journey,Knowledge,Meditation,Thoughts?

Some people could say that I have always been a searcher, always asking the question why.

When I was a little girl, I can remember my mum saying, “Stop always asking why”.

I never listened because I always wanted to find my own answers, and I still have the same philosophy about most things.

I learnt to meditate in 1976. It was one of the best things I did. I hitchhiked 12 miles from Wrexham to Chester and I paid £17.00 to learn a technique called transcendental meditation.
Meditation is definitely a journey and not just something you do, because the experiences change as you practise.
All I believe, is that I would definitely be ‘off my head’ if I had not had the technique of meditation to help me get through the stresses of life….more about that later.

I went to Art School in Manchester. I had always wanted to do medicine but my mum changed my school when I was 14 because I came home and told her that someone had asked me to go shoplifting at lunchtime. I declined the invitation and that experience sealed my fate. I moved to a school where the facilities in the sciences were rubbish so I took up languages and the Arts.

I had quite a good career in commercial Art but decided that there was more to life than money.

My real journey into everything unusual began after my brother "passed over" in 1978 age 22, not long after my meditation training had begun.

Since then I have experienced all kinds of stuff, from the sublime to the bizarre. I think of myself as a continual student still always questioning and asking why

My blogs will be full of stuff from the question of death to the experiences of past lives and rebirth.
It will contain stories about my experiences in Greece when I ran off with a millionaire and my connections with him that I experienced through a regression session.
I trained as a regression therapist in 1992 for 3 years, but have never felt experienced enough to start practising.

Concerning my opinions on anything esoteric, there are many people out there that tell you that they are experts in their field, whether it is Reiki, Crystals, Meditation( to quote just a few things.)
What I believe, is there are many people who also want to take your money.
They also tell you that they are experts but they have only been qualified a short time.
As I mentioned earlier, to learn a technique without giving the time to assimilate and learn from your own experiences is zero.
Experience and understanding only come with the journey and that can last a lifetime.

My journey is ongoing and everyday I try to understand something new about either a situation or myself.
Therefore, who knows where this path will lead me.

All I know now is, if I can sow a few seeds with my writing and my thoughts, then that is a good thing, but do not believe anything I write about until you believe it inwardly for yourselves.

WHAT IS TIME? .....Journey, Knowledge, Meditation, Thoughts?

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Looking for answers...Time,Money,Power,Fear?

As in the flash of an eye, time speeds up as we speed forward to meet it. As time is static we rush around in life trying to fit into the illusion everything that we think we want.

Everything we have created in a self-fulfilling prophesy. Meetings, encounters and hopes are tied up together to create another layer of securities.

We think we know what we desire and what we want. All this is tied up with fear, fear that has been created by us and fuelled by the consumer industry.
Magazines, advertising, T.V. and radio all manipulate our senses, making us believe that we need to be on the lookout for everything that will make our existence on this earth easier.

The intellect has allowed us to imagine, to believe that we must strive for everything material, to keep ourselves happy and contented. Thrills beckon us at every corner.

We are not happy, not contented to spend time in our own company through fear of discovering our true nature. We have been conned by greed, ownership, power and the intellect into believing that this will bring us happiness and true contentment.
It only brings us unhappiness, discontentment, sorrow, pain and a feeling of not belonging anywhere in the society that we have allowed to be created around us.

This society needs people to follow its principles of attachment, reliance on others, judgements, wants and power.

We tie ourselves up with owing money that we will never repay because there is always more to be owned, more things we want to do and see and places we want to visit.

So the consciousness of the world is always striving for what they can do next and their selves are tied up like fishes caught in a net, not being able to free themselves.
We are the pretty fish, caught for the aquarium, darting about, going around in circles, wondering what is around the next corner.
Outside the large corporations look in, not realising that in their power to control, they too are controlled. They are also caught up with greed, wealth, power, and domination.
They too are slaves of the intellect, only they think they are masters.

But someone is looking down on them too and manipulating them and having their own pleasures and experience.

ARE YOU A SEARCHER TOO? ......Time, Money, Power,Fear.....?