Wednesday 31 January 2007

Finding your higher self again...Energy, Fear, Spirit,Trust?

This is something I wrote in 2000 that I would like to share with whoever happens to pass through and want to read it.

I have books of stuff I have been inspired to write, all scattered around in different places. A bit like my life has been really.
Writing these blogs is proving to be an interesting exercise!

All thought is energy and all energy starts out as pure.
What happens to this pure thought?

Most of us have lost communication with our spirit or higher self. If we could all act on pure thought immediately then our lives would be filled with abundance and joy. After all, spirit only wants the best for us, because spirit is a part of us.

Learn to connect once again through the silence and through meditation. Also through innocence, through acceptance and through not judging.
Discover the power of unconditional love.

Listen to your own truth, trust in your higher self, know that the gift of spirit is with you, and will do you no harm.

Have no fear, because fear does not exist. Fear is only a manifestation of the darkness.

Know that if you learn once again to listen you will only find truth filled with everything good.

Fear and guilt, two manifestations of a negative polarity. Two feelings that keep us locked into a spiral of self-doubt and stagnation.

“Satan: his body is the past, his breath the future. Energised by your past-orientated guilt and your future-orientated fear, he follows you round like some vast cosmic shadow. He casts his nets of fear on the waters of your awareness, and then draws them in with ropes of reason into a guilt ridden past.”
(I have had that written down for years but cannot remember who wrote it! I wanted to share it, because it is very thought provoking!)

Realise that life exists in the present and we should release all that we think we know, because all we know is of the past.

DEMONS AND ANGELS ....Trust, Spirit, Fear, Energy, Comunication, Thoughts?


Beanie said...

I've searched this website trying to find a genuine soul. I might sound wierd but from your writings I can tell that you come from the spirit. Question??? Have you noticed that more and more people do not use their common sense or even their 5 senses. When these make up your connection with your creator. Thus proving my point when I had to search for someone to come from the spirit. From me to You the Eyes are the reflection of your soul. This is why you can look someone in the eyes and determine if their speeking the truth. Stay focused.PEACE,AND LOVE.

ylis said...

We all come from the spirit but most people have forgotten. Most people do not realise that they have more than their immediate senses. All I want to achieve is to sow a few seeds in their imaginations, so later at some unforseen time, they might awaken to some other reality!