Saturday 3 February 2007

Demons and Angels...Dimensions,Energy, Frequencies?

It is 4.00am and I cannot sleep. Lying awake for the last 40mins, I suddenly feel inspired to get up and write this blog. The only small problem is my son who sleeps next door has an invisible antenna that can detect when I am around. He has woken up so I am hoping that he might just go back to sleep!

Some of my views might be a little bizarre for some people. Do not believe anything I write because they are only my beliefs.
Until you believe something for yourself and you feel from within that it is truth, do not trust any other persons belief.

Energy fields that exists between people! Unseen forces that cannot be detected with the invisible eye.
It could be a feeling, a knowing, or a special relationship that ties people or animals together. Like mother and child, wife and husband or an animal and its owner. It might be a place that is special or a country that someone is drawn to.

I also believe that past lives have something to do with the feelings and emotions that bind, but that is another subject for another day.

I certainly have experienced energy on many different levels. Why should not there be parallel universes or places where things that we cannot see exists, be it for good or for evil.

Tonight I watched ‘Constantine’ played by Keannu Reaves, a film about an exorcist who was trying to win his way back into heaven. He sent demons he encountered in this dimension back to their hell. It was actually quite gripping and it got me thinking about the issue of demons and angels.

In the greater plan of life or existence, there are many things that we cannot understand or comprehend.
I believe that we cannot know or understand the enormity of what is in the unseen world that surrounds us.
One thing that is for sure is that between us and surrounding us are invisible particles of energy that exists, but which we cannot see. Are all those particles or is all that space whizzing around ‘squeaky clean’.
By that, I mean are there just voids of nothingness surrounding everything and every creature in this universe?

I will liken the concept of other dimensions to a radio station. We, the earth exist at the frequency of radio 1, but there are other stations that exist outside of our frequency. We could call them radio 2, radio 3, radio 4. How many other layers or dimensions to this universe could there be?

The secret to unlocking interdimentional travel is to know how to access those dimensions.

Within those other dimensions, anything, and everything could exist. Why should we believe that we are the only creatures in this entire universe?

With that final comment, I have to go back to bed but this subject will continue.

So for anyone interested in the concept of other dimensions, parallel universes, angels, demons, entities, thought forms, keep a watch on my space.

JOY AND DEMONS Dimensions,Energy, Frequencies, Existence?

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