Sunday 18 February 2007

Blogging for God..freedom,help,self,happiness...!

I went to mass this morning. The journey to going back to church is a long one, which I might cover some other time.
Anyway, this morning we had a black priest from London visiting the parish called Father Godwin, who was originally from Africa. He just happened to mention that he had a wonderful time here in Wales, and how ‘free’ he felt here!

What he said next is the reason why I felt I needed to write this blog, rather than continue with my blogging on the mind training.

Whilst here, he had been invited by a number of the parishioners to visit their homes and join them in meals. He said that in London, he was rarely asked to go to anyone’s house. Only a few people of black descent had ever asked him to join them in their own homes.
He also said that in London especially on the tube, people hide behind their newspapers and rarely talk or acknowledge each other, not even to him, a priest. He seemed sad that people felt they could not talk to each other anymore!

He then went on to say that, he had visited the castle in Denbigh. It sits on top of a hill in the centre of the town and is surrounded by magnificent views of the vale of Clwyd.
While he was there enjoying these breath-taking views, a stranger approached him and they stood talking for a ‘whole 15 minutes’.
He did not elaborate on the conversation, but was amazed by the friendliness of the stranger. This person rekindled within Father Godwin a renewed sense of belonging.
He thanked God for allowing him to experience freedom again. He also said that it reminded him of how he felt when he lived back in Africa.

The reason I felt that I had to write about this, is because of the whole issue of how fragmented people have become.
People rarely think about other people first especially in large, overcrowded societies where perhaps the word survival is paramount.
It is a shame that we have become so engrossed with the self and most of us find it hard to help our neighbour. We have become a nation of helping ourselves first and it all seems to be geared up around money, and the have and have not’s! Some people find it hard even to help their own families!

I have experienced the coldness and indifference of people living in London. I often wonder why people seem to be in fear of allowing their fellow human beings to get too close to them.
They seem to have cut themselves off and have stopped interacting with strangers.

Maybe the first step would be to acknowledge our fellow human beings with a polite good day or good morning. The world would definitely become a nicer place!

That would certainly be a start in the right direction!...

freedom, help, thoughts, happiness, god, self, belonging.

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