Saturday 10 February 2007

The Mind 2.....Challenge,Insights,Journey, Truth, Wisdom

Let go of what you think you want and everything will become easy. On the other hand, is it that easy?

Just to diversify a little from the title, I have been reading ‘The Pilgrimage’ by Paulo Coelho. For anyone who has not read it, it is about a legendary journey across Spain to find a ‘sword’.

The author is on a quest to find the secret of ancient wisdom, and is transformed forever as he learns to understand the very nature of truth through the experiences of the journey he undertakes.

We are all on a journey of different kinds, embracing different problems and situations.

Whatever yours is, you will eventually piece together the answers and then wonder why the journey to get there was so difficult.

I certainly feel that everyday brings a new challenge, a new solution, or a new insight.

Moreover, for each one of us the journey is different.

What happens if you have too many wants? How do you manage them or deal with them? Are they always pulling you in different directions? Do they conflict with each other?

Some of them might seem too easily satisfied and some of them do not seem obtainable at all.

Are you generally dissatisfied with yourself? Maybe you cannot lay your hand on one particular thing, but everything seems to be wrong.

The whole rhythm of your life seems to be different from everyone others.

Do you worry about things that are of no importance and never occur?

Do you find excuses for putting something off or use your time dealing with the minor things that are not important?

Are circumstances under which you live, your job, your possessions, or things about you, ruling, and dominating your whole life?

Do things outside you direct and determine your thoughts and actions instead of you directing and determining them?

Many of us do not realise that we are completely the slaves of our environment. Then we wonder why we do not get on like others who seem to be subject to the same conditions.

However, the difference is that of the leader or follower.

In one case, the mind does the leading and in the other case the mind follows.

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? ......Challenge, Insights, Journey, Solution, Truth, Wisdom, Mind..


Beanie said...

I thank you for the opportunity to be the first one to comment. As you do I also spend my pass time reading and studying. I just would like to start by saying that knowledge is infinite,what you dont know would kill you. Not to contradict any of your ways but mind is man.Hoping not to confuse you But there isn't any limits to man and the mind controls man. Obviously this is a short blog but I would like to get more elaberate. Stay focused.PEACE,AND LOVE.

ylis said...

thanks why not focus on allkind and not just mankind....