Wednesday 14 February 2007

Invisible bonds that tie...astrology, energy, environment,life, spirit?

It is that time again, 4.00am and I have woken up so I am up writing this blog.

Yes, my son has also woken up, but I have sent him back to bed and hopefully he will go back to sleep. As I elaborated in an earlier Blog, there is definitely a strong invisible bond of energy that exists between us.
We seem to be strongly connected on some deeper level.

Just to finish off with on the subject, is that Joshua is a Gemini and has a Libra ascendant and a Pisces moon.
His father is a Libran, the sun figure, and I, the moon in astrology am a Pisces.

One last thing to mention is that a good friend Duncan Harper, who has been studying astrology for over 15 years did a combined chart for Karli, my partner and me.
It showed that a child would be born on the first degree of Gemini with a Pisces moon and a Libran sun. I had my son on the 21st of May and it was in the first degree of Gemini. The rest is also true.

Astrology is a subject that I know very little about, but there is definitely lots of interesting and exciting information to be learnt.

My blogs will contain very little about astrology, but on our new website you will find in the future, information on different aspects of astrology.
I am hoping that Duncan will be contributing lots of interesting articles ...

A part of this site will be focused on the very important issues of the environment, so the astrology information will be to do with countries and their planetary aspects.

Why a country has the problems it has, i.e. Britain comes under the star sign of Capricorn.
That is why this country is so materialistic and money focused, because Capricorn is partly the sign of money and the bank manager.
There will be more to be read on that interesting subject later.

I was getting up with the sole intention of writing some more interesting insights into energy, and spirit.

My blogs recently have all been on the mind and how to improve your life. I have veered off from my original intention but there is no reason why I cannot combine the two because they are both interconnected.

I actually feel I need to go back to bed and I have already written over 300 words, so it will have to wait for another

WHAT DOES LIFE MEAN TO YOU? ....astrology, energy, environment, life, spirit..

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