Sunday 11 February 2007

What is your Dream....Goals,Mind, Secret, Solution,Success?

No matter what your circumstances are, there is a solution or perhaps many solutions to your problem.

Some people blame what is not right in their lives and think they are “victims of circumstances”. While it is true that a combination of unforeseen and unforeseeable might create difficult problems, there is always a way out.

The man who lets outside influences control him becomes a ‘yes’ man who is the imitator and he never formulates his own opinion. Consequently, he builds up a set of judgements formulated by his environment. But he does not know what else to do.

The secret to owning your own life is to find out what is the nature and source of your various wants.
  • How you can evaluate them?
  • What you can do to nurture the ones that are desirable and get rid of the ones that do you no good?
  • How you can then transform them into desirable aims?

The first goal is to list your deficiencies, try to recognise them, in order for you to overcome them. Nearly everyone has a struggle with something.

Nothing worthwhile is ever gained without effort. The most important thing is your mental attitude.

Approach your goals with the confidence of success and you can achieve anything.

ARE YOU STUCK IN A RUT? ...Mind,Dream, Goals, Secret, Solution,Success


Beanie said...

Forgive me if you feel that I ramble but I'am a Gemini(house of communications).My Dream Is to find a woman who knows her place... please do not take this negatively because the womans place is at the head of the household, and the husband is to do just that Bind the house in other words Maintain the status of the house. This is known as the matriarch system. Why is it we the United States Republic go by the patriarch system. Which is the exact opposite. Woman even had to fight for her right to vote, this is unnatural because everyone who inhabits earth has the same birth mark proving that they came from the womb(the nabel/belly button).And I'm sure you use your common sense to figure woman is man who bears the womb,and I would like to add that chess is the oldest board game known to man and she is the most priveledged peice on the board, and if you capture the Queen its Easier to get the King.Hoping I didn't bore you with My Dream and thoughts.PEACE,AND LOVE.

ylis said...

Hi, i appreciate your comments! No you didnt bore me with your dreams and thoughts. We alone create our own reality and everything is possible! But in the game of chess the Queen does all the work and the King hardly does anything!